"What can you do?" the crowd asks Jesus in a way that seems as if perhaps they'd like to review His resume and examine His skill set before they choose to believe or accept Him. (John 6:30) In demanding a sign of what He can do, they seem to want proof of His past experience and qualifications before they are willing to “hire” Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
I am reminded of experiences attending parties or social gatherings, in which every new person I met would ask me, “What do you do?” Although it is a valid question in getting to know someone, it can sometimes feel as if you are being judged solely on the kind of job you have or what you are "doing" in your life.
Jesus brings us back to the heart of things. Jesus points us to the Father, the source of each miracle and every good gift. "It was not Moses who gave the bread from heaven; my Father gives you the true bread from heaven," He says. (John 6:32) Jesus does not stop there, however. The greatest miracle and gift from the Father is the gift of His Son, Jesus Himself. He brings us even deeper and says, "I am the bread of life[.]" (John 6:35)
Jesus is our food, our nourishment, our life. It is less about what Jesus can do and more about Who He is. Perhaps we could ask, “Who are you, Lord? Who is this Jesus? Who is this Bread of Life?” And in that way, perhaps we may encounter the life and love for which we truly hunger and thirst.
Jesus brings us back to the heart of things.Click to tweet
How can we shift the way we look at other people so that we are seeing who they really are, rather than making assumptions based on what they "do"—work, accomplishments, or Instagram feeds?
Mary Catherine Craige enjoys spending her time creating art, writing, and playing her Irish harp. She uses her experience as a Montessori teacher and catechist to serve young children through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. As a life coach, she encourages and challenges women in all walks of life to more deeply discover their purpose and live their full potential. You can find out more about her here.