I stood in the kitchen of a friend on a rainy October night, fighting back tears. I was making a decision in freedom on whether to end a year-long relationship. While I knew deep down this was the best choice, I was struggling inwardly with the lie that somehow Jesus would pass me by when it came to the desires of my heart. Would God pass me by? Will I miss out on what He has for me?
I felt hesitant, second guessing myself a bit. In the end, I followed through on my choice because amid everything else, I experienced a deep sense of unshakeable peace in my soul.
Personal discernment of any kind is all about testing the spirits: What is God doing in me, in this situation? Do I feel peace, clarity, and calm? Or is my spirit restless, anxious, or fearful? Does ______ lead me away from God or does it draw me closer to God? What is God asking me to do? How is He calling me to respond and move? Questions like these help us test the spirits in our lives and the wider world around us.
This is what the Reading is all about today. Very loud and distinct voices echo in our world today. Some are the spirit of truth, while others are the spirit of deceit. Part of our role as a Christian disciple of Jesus is to prayerfully see and discern which is which.
If your heart is roused by injustice, pay attention to that. If you have unshakable peace even in the face of a difficult decision, notice that. If you sense a situation is drawing you away from the will of God, notice that.
Test the spirits in the world we are living in. Ask Jesus questions, listen and respond to what He reveals to your heart. Pay attention to what you see and experience in the world.