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Was It the Worst? - Blessed Is She

Was It the Worst?

Well, sisters, we made it. It’s the last day of 2020. What. A. Year. Can I get an amen? For better or for worse, 2020 was a year filled to...
December 31, 2020
Mary Always Leads Us to Her Son, Jesus - Blessed Is She

Mary Always Leads Us to Her Son, Jesus

During my pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, I experienced Mary’s love so deeply. Devoted pilgrims prayerfully moved across the piazza on their knees...
December 12, 2020
Great and Wonderful Works - Blessed Is She

Great and Wonderful Works

I sit out side of my doorsteps in the cool night and look up at the sky, and I would describe it as a "starry sky," but I live in...
November 25, 2020
Open the Door - Blessed Is She

Open the Door

I intended to simply pass through the piazza in Rome after a nice cup of gelato when I noticed a small little church tucked away on the corner. I knew...
November 17, 2020
Full Supply for Your Needs - Blessed Is She

Full Supply for Your Needs

Saint Paul boasts in his letter to the Philippians 4:10-19 that he knows how to live in every circumstance and he has strength for everything. This sounds really nice, Saint...
November 07, 2020
An Unexpected Return to Jesus - Blessed Is She

An Unexpected Return to Jesus

My husband was at odds with the Church when we began dating. His issue stemmed from the priest at his hometown parish who said he didn’t have to attend the...
November 05, 2020
I'm In, Are You? - Blessed Is She

I'm In, Are You?

He said to him,“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). We drove along the stretch...
October 25, 2020
A New Approach to Anxiety - Blessed Is She

A New Approach to Anxiety

It seems impossible to not give into anxiety in this season of pivots and uncertainty. Providentially, Saint Paul (Philippians 4:6-9) provides us with a lens to reflect on, so we...
October 04, 2020
Blessed Be His Name - Blessed Is She

Blessed Be His Name

I felt like the rug had been ripped out from under me. My son’s beloved school closed its doors for the foreseeable future. A carefree stop at the grocery store...
September 28, 2020
Fight Back Against the Lies and Doubt - Blessed Is She

Fight Back Against the Lies and Doubt

The afternoon sun collaborated with the stained glass windows, throwing color across the wooden pew that I slipped into. I knelt and stared at the tabernacle. After a long silence,...
September 14, 2020
Enfolded and Restored in His Love - Blessed Is She

Enfolded and Restored in His Love

When I was first coming back to the faith, I was almost incredulous at the goodness and kindness of the people I was meeting in the Church. I was particularly...
August 04, 2020
His Unexpected Response - Blessed Is She

His Unexpected Response

I was driving in circles after leaving the adoration chapel near our home. My tears blurred the beauty of the morning sunrise. My husband and I had argued throughout the...
July 29, 2020