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Both Joyful and Humble - Blessed Is She

Both Joyful and Humble

"Go home to your family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has done for you.” // Mark 5:19 "Why do we have to go to...
January 31, 2022
A Personal Invitation - Blessed Is She

A Personal Invitation

"Repent . . . . Come after me." //Mark 1:15, 17 The dishes by the sink, the broken window that needs repairs, the disagreement in the background that too quickly...
January 10, 2022
Let Me See Your Face - Blessed Is She

Let Me See Your Face

Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved. // Psalm 80:4 Lord, make me turn to You. I'm tired, overwhelmed, distracted. I’m...
December 11, 2021
He's Crazy for My Heart - Blessed Is She

He's Crazy for My Heart

For most of my life, I didn't want to hear about being a temple of the Holy Spirit. That tired line repeated by speakers at high school and young adult...
November 09, 2021
Pass the Popcorn, Jonah - Blessed Is She

Pass the Popcorn, Jonah

I am a modern day Jonah. Before you spit out your morning drink, sputtering about how ridiculous a comparison that is, hear me out. Jonah, after ranting and complaining to...
October 06, 2021
Is It a Gateway to Heaven? - Blessed Is She

Is It a Gateway to Heaven?

I wonder if the woman from the Gospel (Matthew 9:18-26) remembers the heat of the sun, the noise of the crowd, the feel of Jesus' cloak, or the love in...
July 05, 2021
Why, Lord? - Blessed Is She

Why, Lord?

I've prayed quite a few "why" prayers lately. Lord, why is my daughter suffering? Why did that relationship hurt so badly? Why must I struggle to find a community of...
June 12, 2021
Closed Doors Aren't the End of the Story - Blessed Is She

Closed Doors Aren't the End of the Story

My heart raced as I tapped the return key to publish a post on social media. It shouldn't be this way, I thought. It shouldn't be so nerve-wracking to invite...
May 08, 2021
I'll Believe It When... - Blessed Is She

I'll Believe It When...

"It's not real until the moving truck pulls away from the empty house," I joke with other military wives. I have experienced the agony of plans and lives turned upside-down...
April 05, 2021
To Have Holy Courage - Blessed Is She

To Have Holy Courage

Even though I was heartbroken a year ago when our local churches stopped offering public Masses, I was filled with gratitude that at least the doors were still open. I...
March 24, 2021
Tending My Flock - Blessed Is She

Tending My Flock

Jesus, How do You shepherd all these people? You knew well Your mission from the Father and never wavered in loving. You submitted fully to the Father's will and gave...
February 22, 2021
Restoration Through Trust - Blessed Is She

Restoration Through Trust

"Girl, you've been on heart. I'm praying for you. Would love to catch up . . . call if you are free . . . I'm missing you." The text...
January 20, 2021