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Release It in Prayer - Blessed Is She

Release It in Prayer

I first began attending Mass when I was in my late teens. I was smitten with a handsome Catholic guy who was serious enough about his faith that he attended...
January 18, 2021
We Try Again Each Day - Blessed Is She

We Try Again Each Day

Crawling into my lap with downcast eyes, she apologized in her sweet little voice for her struggles the previous night. Nighttime routines are a good thing, but they don’t always...
December 13, 2020
Big Requests and Little Ones - Blessed Is She

Big Requests and Little Ones

I was seated at a round table in the fellowship hall of a local church, my hands wrapped around the warm paper cup and my elbows perched amidst the crumbs...
November 14, 2020
Staying Close to God - Blessed Is She

Staying Close to God

Lately, I feel myself drifting, like a kite, being battered gently by the demands of life. Sometimes the skies are blue, and the breeze is warm and gentle. Other times...
October 07, 2020
Get a Fistful of Dirt - Blessed Is She

Get a Fistful of Dirt

I am a subpar gardener. One thing I thoroughly enjoy, however, is ripping out the dead plants which have failed to produce in order to make space for the healthy...
September 12, 2020
Faith in the Choppy Waters - Blessed Is She

Faith in the Choppy Waters

Each summer of my childhood, my family and I would spend a week in July boat camping at Lake Powell. We would pack the small little fishing boat with our...
August 03, 2020
Just What Do You Really Want? - Blessed Is She

Just What Do You Really Want?

My eight-year-old wants to fly. I don’t mean fly airplanes, I mean physically fly. Like a bird. For months she would pray at night for God to give her the...
July 26, 2020
Lessons from My Discipline Failures - Blessed Is She

Lessons from My Discipline Failures

I lay in the quiet and try to focus my thoughts. I hear the shower running in the other room as the light begins to filter in through the shutters....
July 01, 2020
Are You Obsessed or Surrendered? - Blessed Is She

Are You Obsessed or Surrendered?

When I was pregnant with my first child, the doctor told me that the hardest part of the entire process was going to be giving up control. I laughed it...
June 02, 2020