Were not our hearts burning within us while He spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us? // Luke 24:32
Sister, have you encountered the Risen Christ in your prayer? Have you walked with Jesus like the disciples on the Road to Emmaus? Have you felt your heart burning within you as Christ opened the Scriptures to you?
The heart of Jesus longs to encounter us, especially in the Scriptures. When I first began going to Daily Mass in my early twenties, the Scriptures became more alive to me. I knew many Bible stories from my childhood and had systematically studied the Old and New Testaments in school, but something new began to happen as I received the Scriptures at Daily Mass. Holy Mother Church is a good Mother who feeds us perfect portions throughout the liturgical year.
It seemed like the Holy Spirit intentionally highlighted one particular phrase each day from the First Reading, Psalm, or Gospel. I was attentive to the Word of God in a new way. It was fresh and exciting. But the greatest gift to me were the holy priests who would open the Scriptures for me at several different parishes in my neighborhood. As I look back at who God had placed on my path during those years, three of those priests became bishops and several of the other priests had a beautiful charism of preaching. My heart felt so nourished by both the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and this nourishment kindled a fire of love within me.
During this season of Easter, let us be attentive as Jesus desires to open the Scriptures to us. Christ loves us and knows how to speak to our hearts in a way that we can understand. He is accompanying us on our journey, whether we recognize Him or not. Invite Jesus to stay with you today and always.