All glorious is the king’s daughter as she enters; her raiment is threaded with spun gold. In embroidered apparel she is borne in to the king; behind her the virgins of her train are brought to you. // Psalm 45:14-15
I am raising two daughters, but the Lord gave me two sons before the girls came along. When the boys were little, there was an explosion of consumerism around everything princess. Sparkly crowns, snarky sayings on t-shirts, pink glitter, and glam were all the rage. I was so happy that I was raising boys and proudly would remark that we didn't have any princesses in our family. That said, I admit I was ecstatic when I discovered I was having a girl. But I was determined that my girls were going to wear cowboy boots and cleats, not tiaras.
In reality, there were a lot of hairbows and twirly skirts as well—so much so that I learned how to make them myself. Yet the tiaras still had to stay at Grandma's house. I wasn't raising princesses—at least not the kind the makers of pajamas and dress-ups were promoting.
For the truth is, I am a princess and so are both of my girls. Through our Baptisms, we are adopted daughters of the King on High. We are welcomed into His court and have a share of His inheritance.
I am still discovering the dignity and joy that comes from being an adopted daughter of the King of Heaven, and I dearly desire my girls to embrace that title as well. There is room for all of us princesses in the courts of Heaven. Some of us might wear tiaras and others baseball caps, but we all wear the indelible mark on our souls. There is no one way to be a princess, for we are all called to be holy as ourselves, but there is one way to become one. Simply say yes to the invitation the King has extended to be His daughter. Allow Him to draw you into His courts and make space for Him in your heart. Will you say yes today?