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Freedom - Blessed Is She


Oh, to have God give us concrete signs! Wouldn't it be great to have a direct sign from God about what choices to make for our lives? What should we...
October 13, 2014
Making Choices - Blessed Is She

Making Choices

  I have always been so perplexed by this Gospel. The reading from the Psalms? Great. Got it. At every wedding. God is Great; God is Good; He'll take care...
October 12, 2014
Identity Transformation - Blessed Is She

Identity Transformation

  Just imagine . . . a woman calling out to Jesus and telling Him that His Mother is blessed—and Jesus, in reply, tells her rather it is we who...
October 11, 2014
Wholly One, Only Whole - Blessed Is She

Wholly One, Only Whole

  I am often a house divided. In fact, I spend most evenings running through a list of how much I'd like to change, and how determined I am to...
October 10, 2014
He Will Provide - Blessed Is She

He Will Provide

  "How much more will the Heavenly Father give . . . ?" Can you or I or wise theologians even begin to guess how much our Heavenly Father will...
October 09, 2014
You are a Beloved Daughter - Blessed Is She

You are a Beloved Daughter

  Every time I pray the Our Father I can't help but remind myself that these words were first spoken from the lips of Jesus. Is there a more perfect...
October 08, 2014
He Knows You - Blessed Is She

He Knows You

It's a haunting notion, that God knows us inside and out. He can "discern [our] thoughts from afar" as the Psalmist tell us. He is even "acquainted with all [our]...
October 07, 2014
A Different Gospel - Blessed Is She

A Different Gospel

  Oh, how the first reading spoke to me today: “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are...
October 06, 2014
To the Anxious Ones - Blessed Is She

To the Anxious Ones

  To the anxious ones: There are always a few of those thoughts lurking in the back of my mind, waiting to come out at night. They start as tiny...
October 05, 2014
Thy Will be Done - Blessed Is She

Thy Will be Done

  Then Job answered the Lord and said: “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:1-2) When was the...
October 04, 2014
God is Moving - Blessed Is She

God is Moving

  Woes. Such an intense word. Surrounding us are sorrows, destruction, and bitterness. Sometimes life might seem hopeless, but like today’s Gospel reminds us, we’ve been given the ultimate trump...
October 03, 2014
Priorities, Priorities - Blessed Is She

Priorities, Priorities

  "Leave the dead to bury their own dead." I don't know about you, but whenever I hear this verse I get all indignant and think, Where is your compassion,...
October 01, 2014