I gazed out at idyllic sweeping meadows and the soaring Alps above me, almost convinced I'd been dropped in the Sound of Music instead of a summer internship—save for my hot indignation at the letter in my hand.
I'd broken up with my new boyfriend the month before, finally ready to admit that I needed a breather from dating. His response wove its way through global airmail to find me here, the only plausible reason he could fathom for my decision an accusation: "So, who's the other guy?"
This is what I get for more intentional time with You? I sighed into the Lord's glorious creation. Still, I couldn't really blame my ex.
I was that girl who always had a boyfriend or was attaching myself to a friend group. I ran constantly after others to answer my longing for love, whether it was romance or friendship. I'd spent years building an idol out of my expectation that other people needed to fulfill my deepest desires.
But no matter how many boys or shallow friends I collected, the longing grew.
Now, halfway through college, I finally understood that real love required seeking first and foremost the One Whom I was in relationship with: my Creator.
No human being is perfect as Our Lord is perfect; therefore, no human can (or should) fulfill every desire we have. No person, even a best friend or spouse, can be the sole answer to making us happy or answering our every need.
That's God's job.
God creates us first for relationship with Him. From this flows the fulfillment of all our desires. From this flows our ability to connect more authentically in community and relationship as He designed.
The deeper and more intentional our relationship with God, the more contented our hearts will be. The better our relationship with each other can be.
Yes, every single one of our longings begins and ends with God.
Today, on a day that often proclaims the opposite, let us pray Christ's own words: “Ephatha—be opened!” (Mark 7:34) that we may truly open our hearts to the greatest, most healing, most fulfilling Love of all.
Take some time before the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and pray for this peace and opening today.
Megan Hjelmstad is a wife and mom 24/7 and an Army Reservist in her “spare” time. She is the Stories Manager for the Blessed is She Instagram account. She’s a bibliophile, tea drinker, sleep lover, and avid admirer of Colorado’s great outdoors. She is a contributing author to our children's devotional prayer book called Rise Up. When the writing bug hits, you can find out more about her here.