My son was learning to ride a bike. With his bright red helmet and his shoelaces tied extra tight, he wobbled unsteadily with a giant smile on his face. He was not discouraged by the bumps in the sidewalk because his little sister ran alongside him. She clapped her hands and shouted encouragement, as the bottom of her sparkly princess dress blackened from the pavement.
She is an encourager. He is a listener. I marveled at the goodness of their gifts. The ways they help each other find joy. The ways that their joy flows out and envelops everyone around them. They are like the good and faithful servants in today’s Gospel parable (Matthew 25:14-30). Multiplying their gifts and sharing in the Master’s joy. Their childlike freedom and trust in the Lord untainted by the uncertainties of the world come easily to them.
I marvel, and I long to emulate them because all too often I am like the servant who wants to hide. I want to bury my gifts. That feels safer than sharing. Safer than sharing my story, my words, and my heart. Safer than being received for who I really am because I am afraid that I won’t measure up.
Maybe you have felt this way? Maybe you want to bury your past, or bury your dreams, or bury your brokenness. But the Lord uses it all. He uses it to bless you and to bless others and you don’t have to be afraid. He is a loving Father, and you are His beloved daughter. He will encourage you. He will delight in you.
Sister, you are a gift. Your story, your words, and your heart are gifts. The Lord has done wondrous deeds, and creating you was one of them. Do you believe that today?