The Holy Spirit has inspired me many times, and oft have I written down the rhymes He’s given me. Ahh, what better way to spend my talents than by glorifying He Who bestowed them upon me! With a title surpassed by no other, this prayer of praise was written in the Presence of our Blessed Lord.
A Poem about the Eucharist
As I contemplated Him, I felt this insurmountable joy course through my bones. It was a feeling like no other, and one which I wish would never have left me!
Prayer Before The Most Blessed Sacrament
The surge of joy within me
Cannot be contained
When Your holy priest, there
Holds the Host, now raised
The bells, then ringing
Alerting those who answer Your call
Your Son’s Sacrifice is finished
Perfect remedy for man’s sinful Fall
Bowing my head in happy surrender
For Who I behold is completely You
Weary traveler finding rest and solace
Gazing upon all that is Holy and True
Whether before this moment
I was attentive in full
Now am completely captivated
By Your beauty’s pull
The Sacred Host, in vict’ry raised
The battle, You have won
Chalice of Your most Precious Blood, so praised
Oh Lord, God’s glorious Son!
Now, humbly I approach You
Unworthy sinner, though I be
Joy running through my every bone
As I kneel and gaze upon Thee
You enter under my roof
I excitedly invite You in
O Divine Physician,
You heal my every sin
You gather me in Your Arms
I pray rejoicing, my head bent
You bring me comfort and joy once more
Through the most Blessed Sacrament!
Insurmountable Joy // A Poem about the Eucharist #BISblog //Click to tweet
Danielle Erwin is a Catholic wife, mom of five, homeschooler, dog mom, author, poet, and master of puns. She has helped moms through their miscarriages with the poetry she wrote following her own pregnancy losses. Danielle is now working on compiling all of her poetry on the Faith into a book…and a few other author-y projects when she gets the time.