chatting about prayer, community, + daily life


He’s Using A Pattern // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 94 - Blessed Is She

He’s Using A Pattern // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 94

In this week's episode, Jenna and Beth chat all about how the Lord has moved in their lives. Friends, look back and see how the Lord has moved, how He’s...
October 16, 2020
How Do I Start Reading the Bible? // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 84 - Blessed Is She

How Do I Start Reading the Bible? // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 84

In this episode, Beth and Jenna answer one of the most frequently asked questions for the Blessed is She team: how do you start reading the Bible? If you've ever...
May 22, 2020
Under the Fig Tree // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 80 - Blessed Is She

Under the Fig Tree // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 80

In this episode, Beth and Jenna talk about cultivating the "secret place," or the "inner room," in our hearts for the Lord. They talk about how to start a prayer...
April 24, 2020
Life in Technicolor // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 65 - Blessed Is She

Life in Technicolor // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 65

In this episode, Beth and Jenna talk all about their most transformative interactions with the Word and the Holy Spirit. They discuss practical ways to access the Holy Spirit in...
November 15, 2019
Here We Go Again // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 57 - Blessed Is She

Here We Go Again // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 57

In this episode, Beth and Jenna discuss the fruits from our last Blessed is She Virtual Bible Study (#BISVBS) through the Gospel of Mark, the ways scripture can come alive...
September 20, 2019
No More Snooze // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 55 - Blessed Is She

No More Snooze // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 55

In this episode, Beth and Jenna are in Nashville for our SHINE retreat. They talk all about sanctifying morning routines, Saint Josemaría Escrivá’s Heroic Minute, and what it looks like...
September 06, 2019
It's Not About the Answer // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 40 - Blessed Is She

It's Not About the Answer // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 40

In this episode, Beth and Jenna basically have a bible study on Jesus’ healings throughout the Gospels. Why does Jesus ask what people want when they obviously want healing? We...
April 05, 2019
The Name of the Game Is...  // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 3 - Blessed Is She

The Name of the Game Is... // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 3

In this episode we answer Jessica's question about studying Scripture in a group setting (and we have a great discussion about who we relate to more: Father, Son, or Holy...
April 06, 2018