“Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.’ Anything more is from the Evil One.” // Matthew 5:37
Growing up, being deeply insecure, I had a hard time knowing who I was in the Lord’s eyes. I would often look at my peers and compare myself to them. I compared my accomplishments, body, personality, you name it. I was constantly picking myself apart, wanting to always be someone else. The taunting voices of the enemy attacked my identity.
In today's Gospel we hear Jesus say, “Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.’ Anything more is from the Evil One” (Matthew 5:37). Friend, Jesus means what He says, and He means what He says about you. He says yes. Yes, you are delighted in by Him. Yes, you are lovely and precious in His eyes. Yes, He’s pursuing your heart in every moment of every day. Yes, He desires to pour His overflowing mercy upon you.
However, before I knew the Heart of the Lord and His tone of voice, it was hard for me to grasp on to the truth. I came to know Him through daily prayer. It’s been seven years since I started a regular prayer life, and I still have moments where I struggle in my identity. I still have to be reminded of Who He is, and who I am. The enemy attempts to take us down and strip us of our identity, but the Lord breathes life into our lungs and restores the truth of our identity as His beloved daughters.
Sister, can I gently encourage you to sit with Him today, and ask, Lord, how do you see me? He’s always ready and wanting to communicate His love to your heart. By spending time with Him and allowing ourselves to receive from Him, we will know the constant pursuit of His heart toward ours. We will be firmly rooted in our identity as we have a deeper knowledge of Who He is and allow Him to show us who we are.
Lord, we love You and we praise You. Help us to know Who You are and who we are in Your eyes. Amen.