God is wise in heart and mighty in strength; who has withstood Him and remained unscathed? // Job 9:4
Father, You have created me in Your wisdom.
You have brought me to this day,
with my hopes, joys, fears, and pain.
I need You to be my strength today.
You are mighty and sometimes
I find it mighty hard to joyfully follow You.
I cannot always understand Your holy will.
I want to follow You unreservedly,
but sometimes there is resistance in my heart.
I do not intend to withstand You
or impede Your work within me.
I want Your will to be done.
I know there is a cost to following Jesus, but
I find myself afraid of the suffering and pain.
Be gentle, O Divine Physician.
I know that You love me
as You do what is necessary
to bring true healing to my heart.
In the darkness, You reveal only what I need.
If I saw the future, I might just run away.
But I will remain here with You.
In Your Kingdom,
there is always more to give
and even more to receive.
Let me be made into the likeness of Jesus.
Conform my heart to deeper union with His Heart
and His Cross and Resurrection.
Make me fit for Your kingdom.
I will not remain unscathed.
I am not afraid to be wounded by Your Love.
I will follow You wherever You go.
The costs are high, and there are
no conditions, no distractions, no excuses.
Following You will bring me
the most perfect peace
and a foretaste of Heaven.
Let there be a miracle of Grace today.
Allow me to experience peace and joy
in my suffering, humiliation, and poverty.
I am content with Your perfect will.
I give thanks to You in all things.
Help me to rejoice in You, always.
I will follow You wherever You go. // Rose ColemanClick to tweet