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Unceasing Praise - Blessed Is She

Unceasing Praise

And day and night they never cease to sing ‘Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.’ (Rev 4:8) When was the...
November 19, 2014
The Tax Collector in the Tree - Blessed Is She

The Tax Collector in the Tree

I don't know about you, but I'm rather short. I'm no stranger to standing on my tip-toes, and having to watch entire movies leaning to the side to see around...
November 18, 2014
He Wants to Heal You - Blessed Is She

He Wants to Heal You

  The other week I took my son for a checkup at our faith-based family practice, where we are very (very) lucky to see wonderful doctors who share our values....
November 17, 2014
Reaching Out - Blessed Is She

Reaching Out

In August, my husband and I went to a baseball game in the city with a friend of ours. Before the game, we went and grabbed some barbecue food at...
November 16, 2014
Persistence in Prayer - Blessed Is She

Persistence in Prayer

Have you ever given into someone’s request because that person wouldn’t stop asking? Think about it for a few seconds. Maybe your son asked you for an extra piece of...
November 15, 2014
Keep Your Eyes on God - Blessed Is She

Keep Your Eyes on God

Today’s Gospel Reading is not the easiest one out there but sometimes a dose of reality is needed to help us keep proper perspective in our lives. It reminds me...
November 14, 2014
The Hurt of Rejection - Blessed Is She

The Hurt of Rejection

I love the fact that God gives us best friends. Who are your best friends? Who do you share your hopes and dreams, fears and worries, funny stories, and failings...
November 13, 2014
Renewed in the Spirit - Blessed Is She

Renewed in the Spirit

Most of us are familiar with the social treatment of lepers in the time of Christ and throughout history. At that time their bacterial infections were incurable, and they were...
November 12, 2014
About Those High Standards - Blessed Is She

About Those High Standards

Readings like today's—the ones that urge us to go above and beyond—give me a little bit of a guilt complex. Saint Paul, who authored the First Reading, might've had a...
November 11, 2014
Letting Resentment Die Out - Blessed Is She

Letting Resentment Die Out

Today's Gospel is haunting. It haunts all of us, mothers, sisters, daughters, friends. Forgiveness; sinning; faith. It is Christ, Our Savior, telling us we have to get over ourselves and...
November 10, 2014
Cleaning House - Blessed Is She

Cleaning House

Saturday is my chore day. It’s the day I can do all the things I don’t have time to do during the week, like cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming, and mopping...
November 09, 2014
I've Been Shaken - Blessed Is She

I've Been Shaken

  It’s like today’s readings were screaming at me. It’s as if God himself was banging down my door, shaking me, and telling me to open my eyes. It’s like...
November 08, 2014