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Following Him for the Long Haul and Today - Blessed Is She

Following Him for the Long Haul and Today

My preschooler asks how many minutes remain in his quiet time for the fifth time today, and the baby woke up early from her nap. It’s almost four o’clock and...
January 18, 2020
Community, Trust, and Healing - Blessed Is She

Community, Trust, and Healing

Community matters. Community is often a word or idea that so easily gets brushed aside. It's easy to go about our day, seeking Him and doing good, but doing so...
January 17, 2020
Lord, Heal Me of My Fear - Blessed Is She

Lord, Heal Me of My Fear

The leper in today’s Gospel (Mark 1:40-45) asks to be made clean, healed of his disease. It’s a request I know well. I pray it every time I am sick...
January 16, 2020
Good . . . er . . . Busy - Blessed Is She

Good . . . er . . . Busy

“Good . . . good . . . busy . . . really busy . . . but good.” Those are my standard responses when people ask me how I...
January 15, 2020
Hold Nothing Back in Prayer - Blessed Is She

Hold Nothing Back in Prayer

I sat on the hard, dark-stained pew and lowered the kneeler until it softly thudded on the carpeted floor. A soft spotlight shone on the Tabernacle, and sunlight brightened stained...
January 14, 2020
Long Line of Yellers - Blessed Is She

Long Line of Yellers

I come from a long line of yellers. I remember my mother saying to my father, “You don’t have to yell at them” and hearing the response, “They don’t listen...
January 12, 2020
Can You Hear Me? - Blessed Is She

Can You Hear Me?

I took a pregnancy test last week. It was negative. It was negative like all of the other negative tests I’ve taken. And all of those tests over all of...
January 11, 2020
Sometimes Healing Looks Different - Blessed Is She

Sometimes Healing Looks Different

A few years ago my beloved aunt was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. While our family earnestly hoped and prayed for a miracle, my aunt came to peacefully accept whatever God's will would be for her. This past summer, we said our goodbyes as we watched her leave this life to go on to the next. In the end, healing looked different than what my family imagined or wanted.
January 10, 2020
Every Drop of Energy - Blessed Is She

Every Drop of Energy

Christ used a parish priest from Uganda to show me what it looks like to love my brothers and sisters. I met Father B. shortly after I experienced a deeper conversion in my faith. During that beautiful process, the verse in today’s reading became far more evident in my life.
January 09, 2020
Perfect Love Drives Out Fear - Blessed Is She

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

As someone who is engaged in a likely lifelong battle with perfectionism, 1 John 4:18 tends to shake me up a bit. “Perfect love drives out fear.†Seems simple enough. If I want to live fearlessly, I just need to love God perfectly.
January 08, 2020
Silence, Please - Blessed Is She

Silence, Please

My turn was coming and I didn’t have an answer—at least not one that I felt comfortable sharing with the group. “What are you hoping to get from this weekend?†the sister running our women’s retreat had prompted.
January 07, 2020
His Light Arisen Upon You - Blessed Is She

His Light Arisen Upon You

On a recent retreat I led, a woman approached me at the break looking for a little support. She slowly and sheepishly shared with me that her dreams were overrun with demons, terrible, graphic visions of malevolent spirits overtaking people and possessing them. Sometimes she knew those under attack, more often she didn’t. She would awake filled with terror and dread, completely unrested. This affliction had been with her some time.
January 06, 2020