When I was younger, I wanted to be famous. I wanted to be important. I wanted to be noticed when I walked into a room. Seen and valued for my ability to perform and to pretend.
I went to school, and lies spewed from my mouth that I was wealthy. I told everyone that I lived in an extravagant house and lived a lavish lifestyle. Each day I had to pretend, and perform, and control the narrative.
Nobody knew who I really was, and it was exhausting.
Eventually, my lies caught up with me. Maybe it was my grandfather’s rusty car that he picked me up in after school. Somehow the other kids realized I was not rich, and I spent more than a few days crying in the bathroom when my cover was blown.
I still thought I would grow up to have accolades and an impressive bank account. But I have neither. I have a quiet hidden work. The simple tasks of a wife and mother. A wonderful work of sacrifice and loving others.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?” (Luke 9:25)
Sister, you might, as I did, put pressure on yourself to perform for others. Maybe you feel this as a mom, or in your workplace, or in your online presence. The pressure to pretend to be someone you are not because you feel that you must uphold a certain image. A pretense that does not allow you to be vulnerable.
I invite you to lean into the words of Our Lord.
Lean into the truth that you are a beloved daughter, seen and eternally valued by your Savior.
Lean into the truth that you are a beloved daughter. // Leana BowlerClick to tweet