I have a little advice for you, sister. Don't listen to podcasts while you're driving. Let me explain.
The other day, I was heading to work. It was a frazzled sort of morning. I had snoozed my alarm too many times. The breakfasts that the kids said they wanted were apparently not up to their standards and that resulted in frustration and audible sighs from myself.
I was grumbling and definitely not as loving and patient as I should be. I was tired OKAY?! I was busy OKAY?! I wanted to sit and eat a hot meal at breakfast time for once OKAY?! But alas, a frazzled morning it was and off I drove with my lukewarm coffee mug and a bad attitude.
I was listening in the car to an episode of the Poco a Poco podcast, and Father Mark-Mary Ames told the listeners a prayer that he occasionally likes to use.
Lord, help me not to suck today.
I actually spat out my coffee. It hit me like a ton of Lord-sized bricks. It was the grace-filled prayer I did not know I needed. I tried to wipe the coffee off of myself and chuckled. Lord, you are too funny.
I have a tendency to proclaim my "grand plans" for spiritual transformation. I want to eat, sleep, and breathe my love of Christ. But then I turn around and snap at my family or roll my eyes at the person walking too slowly in front of me or judge someone's post on social media.
My weaknesses lie in those little moments where I don't recognize Christ in others. I need to turn off my sass. I need to upend my bad attitude. I need to stop sucking. I need to let Him be my strength (see 2 Corinthians 12:10).
Lord, help me not to suck today.
And every day.
Sister, where do you go for extra spiritual advice? Do you have a favorite book or podcast? Praying you can turn to Jesus with this honest prayer today.
I need to let Him be my strength. // @substance_soulClick to tweet