I am the way and the truth and the life. // John 14:6
Jesus said, “I am the way.” He is the answer to the deepest questions of our hearts.
- Jesus, where are You? I am here—remain close to My Heart.
- Jesus, where do You want me to be? I am preparing a place for you.
- Jesus, what if I can’t see the way? I am your faithful guide—do not be afraid.
- Jesus, where is my community? I will provide—you are not alone.
- Jesus, where are You leading? I will bring you to a place of deeper trust and surrender, deeply rooted in My Sacraments.
Jesus said, “I am the truth.” He is the answer to the deepest questions of our hearts.
- Jesus, how do You see me? You are My beloved, My delight, My joy.
- Jesus, why do I sometimes feel stuck? You are free—let My truth set you free.
- Jesus, why do I entertain the Enemy’s lies? The Enemy’s lies are where I place My truth—My truth conquers his empty promises.
- Jesus, have You completely forgiven my sins? Yes, it is a joy to encounter you in the Sacrament of Confession.
- Jesus, are You truly present in the Eucharist? Yes, I give myself to you in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar—in you I find My home.
Jesus said, “I am the life.” He is the answer to the deepest questions of our hearts.
- Jesus, why have You allowed this suffering? Our suffering is abundantly fruitful.
- Jesus, why is this grief excruciating? It is a place we live united together in hope.
- Jesus, will I always bear these wounds? Our wounds are glorious and life-giving.
- Jesus, when will the dead crevices of my heart receive life? I am gently healing you—My wellspring of grace cannot be contained.
- Jesus, will this pain ever go away? The Crucifixion always leads to the Resurrection—live your life united to Me in joyful hope.
Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” He is the answer.