“Pick me, pick me, pick me . . . .” Over on the sidelines I stand hoping, pleading inwardly that someone will choose me to come right over, Red Rover, Red Rover.
Middle School. High School. Even College at times. Years of anguish trying to figure out the right words to speak and when to laugh or groan. Am I cool enough to be in that group? Do they even want me here or are they just putting up with me?
Fast forward to being a 30 year old mom, and I still have that same yearning to be included, to be chosen. Ladies, that longing is real. That desire is true and beautiful and Jesus wants us to first find that fulfillment ultimately in Him and then live that community in His Church.
Today’s reading reminds us we are offered a gift of Faith, (Romans 4:13) we are Chosen, (Psalm 105:6) and we are beloved. His promises are for us! When I am overwhelmed with life, I often lose sight of this Promise and begin to feel isolated and alone, but this it’s in the midst of those dark times that Christ beckons me.
It is in adoration that I find peace knowing that He truly delights in me just sitting there. When I build up walls in our relationship, the God of the Universe knocks them down without a second thought when I seek Him in Reconciliation. Offering Him my suffering, hurt, and anxieties connects me with His suffering in a mysterious way I can’t even fathom. And then in the Eucharist I find the grace my soul longs for to feed my faith and begin this all over again.
God is the epitome of inclusive. He knows the longings, hurts, and feelings of isolation, and He desires for us to bring those to him. When I meditate on the crucifix, I see His loving arms spread wide welcoming me fully. Know you are not alone, sisters. You are chosen. The gift of faith is for you, and God says, “I pick YOU.”
Know you are not alone, sisters. You are chosen. // @SarahgortizClick to tweet
You are chosen. Hold that close and believe it today.
Sarah Ortiz is a Catholic convert, and when not folding laundry, she can be found reading, experimenting in the kitchen, or writing at her blog. You can find out more about her here.