So you're all moved in to your Blessed is She planner. You've recorded birthdays, anniversaries, upcoming trips, and work conferences. You've determined your goals for the year and have found the rhythm of your weekly meal plan, prayer intentions, and feast day celebrations.
But what do you do with the blank section in each weekly planning page? What do you do with the last section of your planner?
These are your two Notes sections, and I'd love to show you how I use mine. But first...
There's No Wrong Way to Use a Notes Section
Many people (including myself) get a little angsty when first moving into a planner. It's so pretty, and we don't want to mess it up, right? We fear the same when it comes to the Notes sections. What if we use it for something one week but end up not liking it? Are we married to that approach? What if we don't love our hand writing? Is that a reason to skip this section every week?
Of course, the answer is no. We can't mess up our planners, friends. The only way to mess it up is to buy one and not use it because we're afraid of messing it up. So let's try hard to get over ourselves and start using this tool to steward the life we've been given by our Creator.
So What are the Notes Sections?
The Blessed is She liturgical planner comes in two sizes: mini and regular.
The mini planner has one Notes section in the back of the planner, indicated by a labeled tab.
The regular planner has two Notes sections I'll show you today:
- The same large Notes section in the back of the planner, just like the mini; and
- A half-page Notes section present in each weekly planning spread.
Personally, I use the regular planner, so I'll be referencing both types of Notes Sections
How to Use the Notes Sections of Your Blessed is She Planner
The most important thing to remember when considering ways to use your Notes sections is that these are flexible spaces. What works for me may not work for you. What works for you in one season may not work for you in another. That's the point: we get flexibility here, because life is fluid and ever-changing.
My best advice? Use the Notes sections however they will best serve you and your life.
The Weekly Spread Notes Section
First up is the Notes section that’s include in your planning pages in every single weekly spread. Now in the newest planner, it doesn’t say “Notes” at the top (like you see in the photos and video in this post), which I think allows for even more freedom and flexibility for us to use this section however we wish.
Here are some ideas for using this section:
- Actual notes // Jot down anything you want to remember for the week, use it as a place to take notes from meetings, podcasts, or phone calls, or simply use it as a place to record important things that happened/are happening that week.
- Overflow to-do list // I often use this section in this way. I like to keep track of my personal to-dos in the designated To-Do section of the weekly spread, and I keep my work to-dos in the Notes section. It helps me to keep them separate in my brain and on paper, especially during busy weeks.
- Budgeting // You can track your spending throughout the week to help you manage your finances.
- Wellness Tracker // Have something you need to track? Food sensitives, anxiety, exercise? Divide this Notes section by days and record any relevant information. For example, if you suspect a food sensitivity, write down everything you eat in a day and note how you feel afterward.
- Journal // Use this section to journal your thoughts, dreams, and prayers to the Lord.

The Back-of-the-Planner Notes Section
The second Notes section is the one located in the very back of your Blessed is She planner. It's separated by a tab, and you have several note pages to use. You can be even more creative here.
Ready for some ideas?
- Actual notes // Again, record notes or lists from classes, meetings, conferences, spiritual direction meetings, and so on.
- School schedules // Many people like to use this section to record their or their children's school schedule. You can write down teacher names and contact information, along with important times throughout the school day like lunch and recess.
- Gifts // A personal favorite, I use this Notes section to record gift ideas for family and friends. I divide a page into sections and assign a section to my husband and children, our parents, extended family, and close friends. Throughout the year, I try to pay attention to any hints they drop about something they'd like to have. I write it down on this page. Then, when birthdays or Christmas roll around, I'm not stressed trying to figure out what to get them.
- Cleaning routine // I like to use a Notes page to record irregular but predictable cleaning chores. I divide the page into quadrants and note which household chores need to be done weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. I reference this page when planning my weeks and incorporate necessary cleaning tasks into the week. There's more detail on this in the video below!
- Projects // Brainstorm house, work, and volunteer projects. Set deadlines or budgets for them. Check them off when you've done it!
- Book lists // Use a Notes page to keep track of your TBR list. Or, use it to record the books you've read this year. I like to record the book title, author, number of pages, date finished, and even a star review to help me remember how well I liked a book.
- Bucket list // What are some fun things you want to do this year? Keep a running list of adventures and goals in this section!
Want to Take a Video Tour of My Notes Sections?
If you'd like to see my Notes sections in action, watch the video below. I go into more detail about how I personally use these parts of the planner, as well as some advice for planning your days under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Ok, I'm dying to hear from you. How do you use the Notes sections of your planner? Give me some more ideas!
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