The Comfort and Complexity of Jesus as the Good Shepherd
As we enter the Advent season, the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd takes on a renewed significance. This beloved title, familiar to us from childhood, holds a depth and richness that can transform our relationship with the Lord. While the Good Shepherd may initially seem like a simple, comforting image, there are profound layers to unpack as we come to know Jesus more intimately under this title.
From a young age, we are drawn to the idea of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, gently leading and caring for His flock. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program taps into this innate human desire to be led, protected, and nurtured by a loving shepherd. However, as we mature in our faith, we begin to realize that there is so much more to the Good Shepherd than meets the eye.
Discovering the Depths
In Psalm 23, we are introduced to the Lord as our Shepherd, who leads us beside still waters, restores our soul, and walks with us even through the darkest valleys. This imagery evokes a sense of comfort and security, but it also reveals the profound depths of God's care and provision for His people.
As we dive deeper into the Good Shepherd imagery, we discover that it is not just about being led and cared for, but also about being found and restored. The Good Shepherd is not content to leave even one sheep behind, but will actively seek out the lost, the wounded, and the exiled parts of our hearts, bringing them back into the fold with tenderness and purpose.
The Mutuality of Being Found and Finding
One of the insights that has emerged in our exploration of the Good Shepherd is the mutuality of being found and finding. The title Found for our Advent devotional beautifully captures this truth – that the Good Shepherd not only finds us, but also desires for us to find Him. It is a reciprocal relationship, where the Shepherd's love and pursuit meets our own longing to be known and loved.
Just as the bride and the Bridegroom in the Song of Songs mirror each other's words and desires, so too does the Good Shepherd and His flock engage in a dance of mutual love and discovery. We are found by the One who knows us intimately, and in that finding, we are empowered to seek and find Him in return.
Surrendering to the Good Shepherd's Leadership
As we come to know the Good Shepherd more deeply, we are invited to surrender ourselves to His leadership. This is not a passive surrender, but an active choice to trust the One who knows the way and desires our good. It means allowing Him to lead us, even through the dark valleys, with the confidence that He is working all things together for our ultimate flourishing.
For many of us, this surrender is a daily, sometimes moment-by-moment, choice. We may struggle with control, anxiety, or a desire to forge our own path, but the Good Shepherd gently and persistently calls us to trust Him, to let go, and to follow where He leads.
Encountering His Goodness
At the heart of the Good Shepherd imagery is the fundamental truth that the Shepherd is good. It is not enough to simply know that Jesus is the Shepherd; we must also come to experience His goodness, His kindness, and His unwavering love for us. As we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the depths of the Good Shepherd's character, our understanding and appreciation for this title will deepen, and our relationship with the Lord will be transformed.
Whether we are in a season of deep trust and surrender, or one of feeling lost and wounded, the Good Shepherd is there, extending His hand and inviting us to walk with Him. He is the One who will not rest until every part of our hearts is found, healed, and restored to wholeness.
Embracing the Both/And of the Good Shepherd
As we journey with the Good Shepherd this Advent, we are invited to embrace the both/and of this profound title. We are both the found and the finding, the led and the following, the wounded and the healed. The Good Shepherd meets us in the depths of our brokenness and our wholeness, calling us to surrender and to trust, to receive and to seek.
In the midst of the busyness and distractions of this season, may we take the time to pause and allow the Lord to find us, to lead us, and to reveal the depths of His goodness. For it is in this encounter with the Good Shepherd that we will find the rest, the peace, and the joy that our hearts so deeply desire.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long. (Psalm 23:6)
As we dwell in the house of the Father, may we experience the fullness of His love, His grace, and His transformative power in our lives. For in the Good Shepherd, we find the one who will never leave us, never forsake us, and who will lead us home to the eternal pastures of His kingdom.