My son, when you come to serve the Lord, stand in justice and fear, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, incline your ear and receive the word of understanding, undisturbed in the time of adversity. // Sirach 2:1
Seed catalogs lay scattered across our kitchen table. Graph paper nearby, and, with a sharpened pencil in hand, I am ready. In this month, where we in western New York find ourselves hunkered down, knowing we’ll see snow for many more weeks, planning a garden is a shining spot amidst dreary days.
I am not one to claim a green thumb, but I can research and plan with ease. Plopped in the middle of our nearly two acres is a little gated garden, fenced to protect from deer and purposefully situated just far enough away from the black walnut trees, threatening to kill certain plants before they even sprout. Half is plotted out to allow for ground plants, while the other half boasts two spacious raised beds.
With five growing boys, I have high hopes for this garden. I always hope for a great garden return to offset rising grocery costs. But of course, not being a committed or particularly talented gardener, it typically results in a few veggies and not the ideal fully stocked fridge.
In today’s First Reading (Sirach 2:1-11), we are reminded to both prepare ourselves and to trust in the Lord. Both are necessary for a healthy spiritual life. Just as I am enthusiastic about my garden preparations, so we must prepare ourselves. But instead of stopping there, diligence and perseverance are required to continue to grow in virtue. Trusting in the Lord is not a one-time decision, but a perpetual choice to nurture and prune of our souls.
Lent begins tomorrow, and this is the Church’s gift to you of time set aside to do exactly this. When the weeds of life attack, your preparations and strong roots will stay strong. And when winds, pests, and disease threaten, you can turn back to what you know is good and true and remove what is not of God.
I challenge you to take time during Lent to “study the generations long past and understand” (Sirach 2:10). Look up and read about a saint who has gone before you and been victorious. Two saint books I’ve thoroughly enjoyed recently are Pray for Us by Meg Hunter-Kilmer and In Caelo Et In Terra: 365 Days With The Saints from the Pauline Sisters. What would you like to read next?