“Whom are you looking for?” Jesus asks Mary Magdalene in today’s Gospel, John 20:15.
This is a powerful question that we can also ask ourselves today. Perhaps you are looking for your future spouse, a community of friends, a child to return to the Church, your parent to finally offer you support and acceptance, deeper connection with your husband, or a deeper sense of who you truly are.
And perhaps the absence of what you seek has brought you sadness, grief, loneliness, or frustration in the search of experiencing what it is that you want and need.
But are you also looking for Jesus?
Mary weeps outside of the empty tomb and Jesus asks her this question: “Whom are you looking for?”
She knows the answer. She’s looking for her Lord.
What a tender moment that must have been when Mary recognized it was Jesus Who was speaking to her. I wonder what she felt as she experienced Jesus encountering her in the midst of her sorrow and realized that Who she was looking for had come to her and was present right before her eyes.
Jesus does the same for us. He encounters us in our pain, and He reveals to us that it is He that we are seeking.
But we also need to be looking for Him in order to be able to see Him.
We need to be seeking Him first, and then all these other things will be given to us as well. (See Matthew 6:33.)
He's calling your name. How will you respond?
Like Mary Magdalene, have you seen the Lord?
He reveals to us that it is He that we are seeking.Click to tweet
Do you follow this Catholic artist who focuses on gardens, flowers, and the significance of it all?
Mary Catherine Craige enjoys spending her time dancing, writing, playing the Irish harp and learning about life from her experiences surfing. As a transformational life coach, she supports women especially in times of transition, to discover who they truly are and to better their lives to live fully alive as the person God has created them to be. She is a contributing author to our children's devotional prayer book, Rise Up. You can find out more about her here.