Mother Teresa spent hours each day in prayer before the start of her service to the poor and at the end of a long day. She did not use her work, immense physical labor, or fatigue as an excuse to forgo time with her Lover and Intimate Friend. Instead, she rose early and went to bed late in order to make Him a priority in the midst of all of her duties. Without a doubt, this was not just by will power but by grace. She was acutely aware of her dependence on the Lord and lived accordingly.
Alongside her perseverance in prayer, we should be inspired by her audacity in prayer. She trusted deeply that the Lord would provide for every need of her sisters and also that of the poor entrusted to her care. The stories are many but one of the most astounding examples of this audacity in prayer and in action was perhaps the account of the cease-fire in Beirut, Lebanon in 1982 during the Israeli siege.
Mother Teresa received news that there were children in dire conditions, left abandoned at a hospital following some bombings. After arriving in Lebanon, she was wisely advised by a priest that she should not attempt the rescue because of the danger. She reasoned, firstly, that they must do all things for Jesus and taking risks was part of that job description. Secondly, she had been asking our Lady for the bold miracle of a cease-fire for the following day, the eve of the Assumption. The Lord matched her audacity and confidence in prayer with the cease-fire she had asked for and the children were brought to safety.
For you and me, sister, our prayers may not lead to a cease-fire in a war-torn country—at least, we might not ever know it. However, you and I are still invited to share in the audacity of Mother Teresa’s prayer—that confidence that cannot be shaken even when our foundations feel as though they are crumbling. If we look to Jesus, spending time with Him in prayer and communing with Him, we will find that from this intimacy, miracles will flow.
Closing Prayer //
Lord of Miracles, You can do all things. Help me to turn to You in my moments of darkness and distress, to renew my trust in You daily knowing that Your intentions towards me are good and that You hear me. I pray for the grace to be persevering in prayer and bold in my trust, Amen.
Reflections Questions //
- Sister, are you, like me, quick to set aside prayer for the sake of other pressing duties? Do you strive to make time in the day to spend time with Him?
- How can you and I make the Lord a priority once again in our day-to-day living?