The people were astonished at [Jesus’] teaching, for he taught them as one having authority . . . // Mark 1:21
I stared down at the black and glossy white page at a picture of high-school me, the title “Teacher’s Pet” emblazoned over it on the “Senior Superlative Page.” To be honest, I’d forgotten I’d earned that illustrious distinction from my peers that year. It caused me to ask, Why? Then I realized it was because I was afraid. I was the teacher’s pet because I followed the rules, but not for the reasons my peers thought. I respected authority in school not out of true virtue, but because I was afraid of getting in trouble. In my fear, I lacked freedom to be authentic, and I lived in that place of fear for a long time.
Through further reflection, I realized I was also relating to Christ’s authority over me in the same way. I wanted to please the Lord not because I loved Him or believed in His love for me, but because I saw the power of His authority and was afraid of where not obeying would bring me. My relationship to Christ’s authority was very much like that of the demons in today’s Gospel (see Mark 1:21-28). They saw His authority held true power and were afraid of what that power would do to them.
Sister, living in fear of Christ’s authority is hardly living the life for which He created us. The authority of Christ, of His teaching, of His power, of His very being, is meant to bring us freedom, not cause us to live in fear. He invites us to embrace His authority so that we can let go of control in our own lives and allow Him to lead us to a place of authenticity and joy.
I once heard someone say, “Jesus is a gentleman; He will not go where He is not invited.” Sister, invite Him into your heart today, invite Him to take authority over whatever it is that is causing you fear, whatever it is that is holding you back from living in authentic freedom. Invite Him in and allow yourself to be astonished by His love for you.