The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; Beside restful waters he leads me; He refreshes my soul. // Psalm 23:1-3
I took a moment to pause, sitting on the bench beside the lake as I watched the geese waddle into the water. I felt the sunshine on my face and noticed a breath move through my body.
The dogs and I had just walked a new trail through the woods that opened around these calm waters. Since moving, I had been missing the rolling waves of my ocean back at home as life had quickly changed for me. Now in a new city, navigating chaotic traffic and constant busyness, it was important to find the places where I could experience beauty and nature and rest.
“Good Shepherd, lead me, Good Shepherd, guide me” had been my simple prayer throughout these months of uncertainty, transition, and adventure. Not always knowing what to do, I took what felt like the next step, praying that God would lead me.
I felt peaceful beside the lake. Not all my prayers had yet been answered, nor did I know how things would unfold, but the Lord was guiding me. And in these few moments of rest and seeking His presence in His creation, I felt my body relax and a swell of gratitude rise from my heart.
The Good Shepherd wants what is best for us. He is fully capable of leading us out of darkness and into peace. Are you inviting Him to guide you? Are you letting Him lead you and guide you?
This will give you the peace and rest and refreshment your soul is seeking.
What is your next step to take with the Good Shepherd by your side? With God, how can you take action today into the direction you know you need to go?
The Good Shepherd wants what is best for us. // Mary Catherine Craige Click to tweet