Saturday, December 21, 2024 //
Happy Saturday, friend! We are so excited to share with you what's coming up this week as we all prepare our hearts by praying with readings for Sunday, the day of rest with our Lord.
Live Liturgically // This Week’s Feast Days
Saturday, December 21 (today!) // Optional Memorial of Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Sunday, December 22 // Fourth Sunday of Advent
Monday, December 23 // Optional Memorial of Saint John of Kanty, Priest
Wednesday, December 25 // The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) (Holy Day of Obligation!)
Thursday, December 26 // Feast of Saint Stephen, first martyr
Friday, December 27 // Feast of Saint John, Apostle and evangelist
Letter from the Editor //
Dear Sister,
Tomorrow is the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and the urgency of our waiting is reaching its height. “Rouse your power and come to save us” (Psalm 80:3), our hearts will cry out with the Psalmist at Mass this weekend. We know our weakness, we know we cannot do it on our own as we plead with the Lord, “make us turn to you” (Psalm Response). In the Gospel, Mary, our Blessed Mother, travels in haste to her cousin Elizabeth. Mary is also hastening to us, bringing us her Son, the One Who will save us. Will our hearts leap as we hear her greeting? Let us respond with the faith of Elizabeth: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (Luke 1:42).
Mary, a model for all of us, is “blessed” because she believes in the promises that were spoken to her by the angel. She responded by accepting the Lord’s will for her. And through her yes, the prophecy of Micah from the First Reading was fulfilled with Christ’s birth in Bethlehem. The author of Hebrews tells us how Christ had the same response to the Father, saying, “Behold, I come to do your will” (Hebrew 10:9). The Lord desires the same response from us, to humbly—with the Son who became Man and with His Mother—say to the Lord that we want to do His will. Let us be found among the flock this Christmas drawing on the strength of our Shepherd, Who draws His strength from the Father (see Micah 5:3). I am ready to be saved. Are you?
I am praying for you this week, dear sister.
In Christ’s Love,
Read the Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent:
First Reading // Micah 5:1-4a
Responsorial Psalm // Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19
Second Reading // Hebrews 10:5-10
Gospel // Luke 1:39-45
Prayer Practice // How is the Lord inviting you to say yes in this season? Ask for Mary’s intercession to help you offer it to Jesus.