Seeing Jesus in the monstrance being carried by a priest up and down countless rows during the Eucharistic Procession at the Steubenville West Conference was something that I wasn’t prepared for. It hit differently than sitting in the twenty-five-person-capacity chapel that I was used to back home.
I had often spent time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, but this was my first time having Jesus come to me.
Each time the priest took Jesus to a different section you could sense the room change. Shoulders would relax, barriers were lowered, tears were wiped, noses sniffled, and it was very clear that Jesus was there.
Whatever we were doing leading up to Eucharistic Adoration was a faint memory as we encountered Jesus and allowed Him to look at us as we looked back at Him.
As Venerable Fulton Sheen says, “We become like that which we gaze upon. Looking into the sunset, the face takes on a golden glow. Looking at the Eucharistic Lord for an Hour transforms the heart in a mysterious way."
What I have learned since that moment in that huge auditorium is that, no matter my surroundings or the amount of noise I may be drowning in, whenever I spend time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, He pierces through all of it and offers me His peace. In the silence that tiny host removes all the worldly gunk that I carry around. There is no greater refuge, security, or comfort than when I spend time with Jesus. When I have no agenda, prayer books, journal, or feel like I have to get something out of my time with Jesus, I receive a freedom that makes me feel new.
It's hard for my human mind to comprehend that Jesus makes Himself available to us through Eucharistic Adoration, but He loves us that much.
Sister, maybe you haven’t made Eucharistic Adoration part of your prayer life, or maybe you're scared of allowing Jesus to look at you because of past sin or the weight that you’re carrying right now. Whatever it is, He is patiently waiting for you. There is only one you and He longs to be in relationship with you. Will you allow Him to look at you? You can lower your guard and know that the Shepherd will care for you.
Maybe if you’re apprehensive you can ask a friend or family member to go with you. If you’re having a hard time feeling like Jesus is really present, try praying, Jesus, “I do believe, help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)