for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Spiritual Reading + Prayers in a Time of Quarantine - Blessed Is She

Spiritual Reading + Prayers in a Time of Quarantine

In today's uncertain health climate, many of us find ourselves with more time to read than we've had in a long time. Looking around at what to pick up from...
An Advent Booklist for Adults - Blessed Is She

An Advent Booklist for Adults

Happy third week of Advent, sisters! I hope this season has been fruitful so far, but if it hasn’t, and especially if it hasn’t, we have a few suggestions of...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 6 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 6

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 5 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 5

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 4 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 4

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 3 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 3

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 2 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 2

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 1 - Blessed Is She

Meet the Advent Journal Writers | Week 1

Our 2019 Advent Journal, All the Generations: From Genesis to You, is an offering written by our entire Blessed is She team! For the first time this year, we will...
You're Invited: An 8-Part Series on Fruitful Sisterhood - Blessed Is She

You're Invited: An 8-Part Series on Fruitful Sisterhood

Here at Blessed is She, we believe in sisterhood so firmly that it's at the very heart of the ministry. You see it in our hashtag (#bissisterhood), all over our...
These Small Group Studies Have Grown Our Faith + Friendships - Blessed Is She

These Small Group Studies Have Grown Our Faith + Friendships

It was several years ago now when I brainstormed with Blessed is She’s founder and director, Jenna Guizar, about small group studies. “What if we had something by our own...
How to Host a Lent Group + Gathering - Blessed Is She

How to Host a Lent Group + Gathering

This year's Lent Journal, To the End, is a little different than journals in the past. It has the same heart, hue, and depthful sharing as years gone by. But...